

Tool axis control allows the user to have some control of how the tool tilts:
• Tilt through or away from a point
• Tilt through or away from a curve
• Full gouge avoidance of cutter and holder
• Minimise side tilt to avoid collision
• Lead/lag and tilt angles available
• Minimal tilt to avoid holder collisions
• 3, 4, or 5-axis options. When selecting 4-axis, the user has
to say which axis the 4th axis rotates about.

The options available may change depending or the type of 5-axis toolpath. In the linking the user can control the entry / exit moves and the transition.

Surfaces are separated into drive surfaces and check surfaces. The drive surface is the surface that is machined, the check surfaces are used to limit the machining area. It is possible to use check curves over check surfaces. It is not uncommon to have 2 sets of check surface/curves.

Advanced 5 axis1

Advanced 5 axis2

Advanced 5 axis3

Advanced 5 axis4

Advanced 5 axis5

